A balance bike for a 2-year-old

Which balance bike for a two-year-old toddler?

We are bike nuts so naturally, we believe that the sooner you start your kiddo’s adventure with biking- the better. But there is truth to that: even a 1,5 year old can learn how to ride a two- wheeler. This is possible thanks to balance bikes for 2-year-olds. A small child is really not ready to pedal a bike yet, but might be ready to ride a balance bike. Pedals might unnecessarily hinder and complicate the learning process, so it is best to divide the training into two stages. Stage 1: getting a balance bike. A bike with no pedals will teach your child balance and allow him or her to gain body balancing skills, which are necessary during the second stage (which is learning how to pedal). Stage 1 will allow for a smooth and quick transition to Stage 2. Those kids who had a chance to ride a balance bike, start riding independently on two wheels already at the age of 3-4.

Why is it better not to use the side wheels on a bike for a 2 year old?

Riding a bike on two wheels is not only pedaling, but also skilful balancing of one’s body. Side wheels make the bike for a 2-year-old stable and balancing becomes unnecessary. So learning with  extra wheels attached is like learning under artificial circumstances so to speak. A child who started bike riding with the help of the side wheels, will be confused once you unhook them. If a child has not learned how to balance their body, it will likely shift and tilt too much, which might result in fear of riding a bike without the supporting wheels.

It is always better to start learning how to ride a bike starting with learning to balance. Which bike should you choose for your 2-year-old? For starters, we recommend a balance bike. The pedal-free design will allow your child to quickly master the skills of maintaining balance, and the transition to stage two (learning how to pedal) will be smooth (and pain- free!)

Which balance bike should I buy for my 2-year-old?

Most balance bikes are very simple in design. Choosing the right bike for a 2-year-old is not easy. So what should you consider when making that purchase? Size is a very important factor. You should consider both the size of the wheels, the height of the seat, the handlebars and the frame.

The size of the wheel

When it comes to balance bikes and their wheels, the most common size is  10 inch and 12 inch. The smallest size:10 inch is not recommended since children grow out of it very quickly. For the youngest, a suitable bike will feature 12- inch tires made of EVA foam and a low- slung frame. For slightly older childre, it is better to choose a balance bike with air tires. The air in the tires adds a little height.

What about the tires?

Balance bikes for 2-year-olds usually feature two types of tires: either EVA and pumped. Pumped tires provide the best grip and shock absorption, but are heavier than EVA tires. Foam tires, apart from their low weight, have other advantages: they are cheaper, which translates into an overall lower price of the bike. An important aspect is that they do not feature an inner tube so it is impossible to puncture them. Their disadvantage is inferior traction and weaker shock absorption.

The seat

A 2-year-old child, in order to be able to move properly on a balance bike, must have his or her legs slightly bent at the knees, and touch the ground firmly with their feet, while sitting comfortably on the seat. A correctly positioned seat is about 2.5 - 3.5 cm lower than a child’s thigh, to be measured from the inner side.

The weight

A 2-year-old child, in order to be able to move properly on a balance bike, must have his or her legs slightly bent at the knees, and touch the ground firmly with their feet, while sitting comfortably on the seat. A correctly positioned seat is about 2.5 - 3.5 cm lower than a child’s thigh, to be measured from the inner side.