A Bike for your toddler as a Christmas gift. Which model is best?

The perfect gift for a toddler

Are you wondering which balance bike would be best for your kiddo? Then read on! Here you will find out what aspects you should be paying attention to in order to keep your offspring happy! The very first bike is an excellent Christmas present. Just imagine your child under the tree, reaching for a brand new shiny balance bike and undoing the red ribbon. So much joy and that is a guarantee! Let us guide you and help you pick the right balance bike for a 2 year old. We know which features matter the most - in other words: which things you absolutely must know before your child starts his or her adventure with two wheels.

Make sure your kiddo’s experience with his or her first bike is as good as it gets. First try to figure out if your little one is ready for a balance bike. A tell- tale sign is the ability to maintain balance and walk independently. If your kiddo is already able to do that, he or she should be ready for their first bike. And if that is the case…. which model should you choose? 

For children age 1 year and older, just beginning to walk on their own, a light three- wheeler could be a good option. The vehicle should be stable - and that is what the two wide wheels in the front are for: one next to the steering bar and another one in the back. Your little one will be learning how to maintain balance and at the same time- how to get on and off the vehicle.

Cariboo Friends is the model that meets all of the requirements above. And to top it off, it is very light, weighing only 2.2 kg! The adjustable handlebar and the adjustable seat will let your child use it for a longer period of time. Its cool finish and design are the cherry on top - both for the kiddo and the parents.

If your 2 year old is already running around like a maniac, that means it is high time for a two- wheeler balance bike. Before choosing the right model, first measure how tall your child is- in order to find just the right vehicle. Get a measuring tape and see how long your child’s legs are (while he or she is standing and in shoes, measuring from the floor up to the crotch level). If it is, for instance, 30 cm, that means the bike should feature a seat at that height at the minimum. Once you have all the data, you can go ahead and order the bike online, hassle-free. 

By choosing your 2 year old’s very first bike, it is good to check if the vehicle features an adjustable seat and an adjustable handlebar. Thanks to these two- your kiddo will be able to still use the bike once he or she grows taller. Once you know which size is the best fit for your child, you can then focus on finding just the right one. When choosing a balance bike, keep in mind the following: 

  • Weight: the best balance bikes are light. A heavy vehicle that is bulky or simply not comfy will not be convenient for anyone and might hinder your child’s progress. It certainly will not encourage him or her to learn how to ride a bike either.
  • Construction: not to brag but we do have experience - vast one- and we know well that all beginners will wear their equipment down. The last thing your kiddo cares about is careful handling of the bike. Which means the frame should be shock and scratch resistant. Metal alloys that are even lighter than aluminum are the answer because they are both light but resistant.
  • Tires: foam or pumped. Our balance bikes feature both foam and pumped up wheelsthe choice is yours to make and it all depends on the environment your child finds him or herself in most frequently. If your child will be riding mainly on hard city roadsfoam tires are recommended, if the environment is more off- road style and among nature- pumped up tires are best since they not only guarantee excellent adhesion but they are also shock- absorbant.

In order to give your child the best start when teaching him or her how to ride a bike, we recommend a balance bike that is as light as possible, featuring a simple, well- thought out construction, such as Cariboo Classic with foam tires. This bike is featherlight, weighing only 2.6 kg and has been additionally equipped with a smart steering block. Accidents do happen but when riding a Cariboo Classic, the handlebar will fold itself totally flat and thus pose no danger to your child.

One of the lightest balance bikes in its class is Cariboo Magnesium Pro: it is made of magnesium alley which is super light which translates into greater agility and will make learning so much easier for your kiddo. The magnesium alley is actually not just light but also very resistant to corrosion and shock.

The weight of the vehicle is important also for the parent or any caregiver- since he or she will end up carrying it around (let’s be honest, that’s just the reality!). An adjustable seat and an adjustable handlebar will make the bike pretty much custom- made. The bike will change alongside your child but the fit will always be just right! 

Those kiddos who are already experienced with riding a two - wheeler, are ready to try out a bike meant for pushing off with their feet, such as Cariboo Adventure. This bike has been equipped with a hand brake and pumped up wheels- ideal for difficult terrains such as forest paths or any uneven surface. The adjustable seat goes all the way till 51 cm and makes Cariboo Adventure the perfect balance bike for a 3 year old. 

Once you have your shortlist and eyes set on several bikes, pay attention to details. A handle bar with comfy rubber grips will make steering so much more easier- and the child’s hands won’t slip. You can always pick some cool accessories that will definitely wow any kiddo: ribbons, a bell or a pinwheel. A balance bike meant as a gift should most importantly bring joy to the child itself. When choosing the right bike, keep in mind the details and the child’s personality and preferences.